The character also meets the Utraeans, an ancient race once powerful enough to challenge the Empire of Stars, now though only a city trying to survive the genocidal war of the Hassat and Zaurask (who also fight amongst each other), races the character soon discovers were created by the Utraeans as slaves. They are instructed to use a displacer in the castle to track the Shadowjumper, and from here he ends up on the Utraean Isle, where he meets new people to join his cause, and where he will meet new enemies, among them the Hassat, a cat-like race, and the Zaurask, a reptile like race. After clearing out the supply caravan, the character is told to search for the staff, and soon enters an underground castle, where he soon confronts and kills the Lost Queen, overhearing her mention the name of the enemy, the Shadowjumper. He sets out, and soon meets a survivor from a supply caravan, who reveals a monster had stolen the Staff of Stars, and that with it all of Aranna could perish.

He is called to the mayor though, and is told to help clear out the supply caves, overrun by monsters.

The story begins in the town of Arhok, where the player is idling away the time.